Monday, April 25, 2011

American Apocalypse IV and a Question for You

American Apocalypse IV should be showing up on Amazon in the next few days in Kindle and paper. I have to do the smashwords version next. Also Diary of a Serial Killer is on Amazon in Kindle. The paper version I am still working on.

Thanks Chile for your help!

This is the cover:

Thank you all for reading it as I wrote and your comments.

The question?

I am slightly jammed up. I have Homecoming started but I have a Gardener story knocking inside my head. Since y'all are really seeing what I write before everyone else, I may skip somewhat ahead a bit. This will be a standalone Gardener story set a few months after AA IV. There might be some continuity problems but no spoilers. What do you think?

My other problem is some unfinished books and edits. The problem is I want to write a Gardener story. Before you say "You never finish anything" check out what I have produced.


  1. I like the cover. I wouldn't mind the Gardener stand alone

  2. nova, I am hanging on the edge of my seat. What you call 'discontinuity', I call 'varied perspectives'. Many windows from which to view the world as it may be someday.

    Thank you for all your time and effort!

  3. Okay. Well, so it is.

    Zapo! Long time! Hope all is well.

  4. Best not to let Gardner get impatient, he doesn't seem to like that kind of thing

  5. Gardner rules. Everytime you push him away he comes back. Let him lead!

  6. Forrest,

    You have always been the best.

  7. It is your place, ya get to do what you want! One of the cool parts of that is that if you don't like it, you can drop it and go to something else. This is the proving ground...
    Thanks, as always, for the preview!

  8. Gardner is always welcome, regardless of the reality he finds himself in.

